Tree data structure

This article covers the tree data structure. In particular: the unbalanced binary search tree and its implementations are investigated. Pitfalls of these implementations are discussed in terms of time and space efficiency. Mitigation of these through the AVL tree is presented and quantified by establishing an upper-bound on search time complexity.

June 18, 2023 · 17 min · 3616 words · Abhinav Pradeep

Data structures - Linked Lists

My blog looks completely different. I know. That’s because we had to nuke the old one to self-host the blog. Besides, it turned out looking much better. I’m pretty happy with the changes. I did plan on publishing this post back in December. However, we lost the draft while making the changes. So now I have to do this all over again. Well, I can’t really do anything, can I?...

January 20, 2020 · 3 min · 578 words · Abhinav Pradeep