Getting started with multi-threaded applications in .net core 3.1

Today, we take a break from my series on sorting algorithms and look at thread-safety. As a result, we will learn about threads and create a multi-threaded program. Then, we learn about thread safety and implement it in a C# console application. What are threads? Every program I have ever written has had a single sequential flow of control. Once the program begins executing, it systematically goes through every line of code until the end....

June 30, 2020 · 5 min · 1054 words · Abhinav Pradeep

What is an API?

Application Programming Interfaces ( API) have been around since the early days of IT. Today, API’s are almost always synonymous with server-side web development. Earlier, API’S were built using technologies such as CORBA, XML-RPC, and SOAP. The Web has radically transformed the way we produce and share information. It has democratized information sharing and has revolutionized information creation and sharing. Nowadays, we have RESTful APIs. To learn more about REST see here...

February 10, 2020 · 4 min · 744 words · Abhinav Pradeep

MongoDB .Net driver

Today was a pretty boring day. My parents and I went to the plaza. There was a lot of shopping to do and it was nearly 2 o’clock by the time we finished. We then grabbed some food and headed home. I then got to work on preparing the material for today, so yeah :/ , not much to say about the day. In my Starting MongoDB – The basics post, I explained how to create a cluster, set up a MongoDB database and connect using the Mongo Shell....

January 18, 2020 · 4 min · 765 words · Abhinav Pradeep

Serialization and Deserialization – An Introduction

Yesterday night was horrible. I could not get a good nights sleep at all. First, there was a lizard in the room. Then, chasing the lizard came a huntsman spider. I freaked out. I may or may not have also shrieked like a little girl – but that’s not the topic of discussion. After my dad caught the spider in a box and threw it out, I decided to go to sleep....

January 16, 2020 · 4 min · 665 words · Abhinav Pradeep