Bubble sort

This is the third post in my series on sorting algorithms. Previously, I talked about the selection sorting algorithm (Link Here). Today, we take a look at the bubble sort algorithm. Later, we implement this in a .net core console application. Bubble sort is considered to be one of the simplest sorting algorithms. This algorithm works from right to left. On each pass, it compares each array item with its right neighbor....

June 26, 2020 · 2 min · 407 words · Abhinav Pradeep

Selection Sort

This is the second post in my series on sorting algorithms. Previously, I talked about the insertion sorting algorithm (Link Here). Today, we take a look at the selection sort algorithm. Later, we implement this in a .net core console application. Selection sort is one of the elementary sorting algorithms. It sorts the data by finding the smallest item and swapping it into the array in the first unsorted location. The algorithm enumerates the array from the first unsorted item to the end....

June 25, 2020 · 2 min · 390 words · Abhinav Pradeep

Insertion sort

Recently, I’ve been learning about different types of sorting algorithms. However, I am far from being an expert on this. So take everything I say with a grain of salt. In this blog post, I document my first look at insertion sort. Later, we implement this method of sorting in a .Net core console application. Insertion sort is one of the elementary sorting algorithms. It sorts each item in the array as it is encountered....

June 24, 2020 · 2 min · 417 words · Abhinav Pradeep

PHP - A Scholastic Endeavor

PHP is a popular serverside scripting language. You’ve probably heard that at least a hundred times. When I was told that we were doing PHP in school, I was rather skeptical. I had fallen into the misleading belief that PHP was a ‘Dead language’. Don’t get me wrong, PHP as a tool still does lack the finesse of something like ASP .NET. Its installation process on my Mac was very finicky ( probably because it was a Mac, but you got to work with what you got to work with )....

April 10, 2020 · 3 min · 566 words · Abhinav Pradeep

What is an API?

Application Programming Interfaces ( API) have been around since the early days of IT. Today, API’s are almost always synonymous with server-side web development. Earlier, API’S were built using technologies such as CORBA, XML-RPC, and SOAP. The Web has radically transformed the way we produce and share information. It has democratized information sharing and has revolutionized information creation and sharing. Nowadays, we have RESTful APIs. To learn more about REST see here...

February 10, 2020 · 4 min · 744 words · Abhinav Pradeep